Thursday, January 31, 2013


thankful for

1) morning service at the campus town church.
convinced my church/college hoobae (younger friend)
to go to morning service and give me a ride.
the church used to rent a church building in campus but has now moved further away.
met my college church pastor and ate breakfast with him after service.
his vision for campus missions is burning as fiery as ever.

2) zingerman's.
had charlie's burgers for dinner yesterday,
then zingerman's reuben today.
loving it.

3) the career fair experience.
being in the other side of the booth was a valuable experience.

I didn't expect our booth to have such a long line of applicants.

I used to have trouble explaining what I do,
but after saying it for 5 hours,
it is no problem at all.
I got a better grasp at how recruiters look at resumes at job fairs.

4) taxi.
was really tired after the plane trip back,
but I was able to get back home within 30 minutes after landing with a cab.

5) this whole trip.
I was just about to start thinking that
life was getting too routine.
it was just the outside-the-routine event that I needed.