Sunday, January 13, 2013


thankful for

1) that "gotta do this" mentality.
woke up feeling weak.
not that muscle-aching feeling,
but more towards the bone.
I have admit,
heading out to practice was miserable.
but I signed up for this.

2) feeling your body feeling better.
maybe it was the dinner forced down myself,
or that pathetic attempt at lying down on folding chairs,
or maybe somebody prayed.
by the end of practice,
I was actually feeling much better.

3) "The Dark Knight"
the second of the trilogy.
I watched it while reading the script,
and goodness,
missed so many things when I watched it when it came out.
a brilliant movie.
the Joker's view on anarchy is frightening
yet reminded me that it is more than possible
that people with such minds exist.