Tuesday, January 29, 2013


thankful for

1) homecoming opportunities.
got a call from human resources during work
asking if I can fly to Michigan tomorrow on a recruiting trip.
once I got approval from the team,
it was a resounding yes.
it's only a day trip,
but still,
thinking about going back to Ann Arbor is exciting.

2) basic lessons from the small things in life.
had to print something,
went to an office center.
use of computer: 25 cents a minute,
black print: 50 cents a page.
I suddenly got the feeling of
"hm, let's make this a race to see how fast I can print this"
as soon as the computer session started,
got to the email page in 10 seconds and
the print page by 15.
keyboard shortcut to print,
then clicked OK button after OK button.
I then realized that I had pressed OK to print in color,
when the whole page was black and white.
color print: 1 dollar a page.
reminded me that it's better to be slow and careful than be fast and clumsy.