Wednesday, October 10, 2012

salty eyes

once again riding the wave of shuffled music

thanks to the cacophony of my surroundings.

this time,

bumped into a song that I listened to during high school.

"salty eyes" by the matches.

emo, punk-y, upbeat with a "I'm hanging by thread" lyrics.

ah, high school.

do you belong to a song--
does it drag you along by the tongue
at the top of your lungs?
are you drunk--have you been drinking?
do you, below the overpass, go
with a fifth in your fist
reminiscing the kiss of a love
that just didn't love
as much as you did?

please don't give up, dear walls
don't let the ceiling fall
when you belong to a song--salty eyes,
you belong.

and so on.