read about the French Foreign Legion,
a branch of the French military that accepts non-citizens.
as it is comprised in its majority by non-citizens,
the French sends it to any place that it has an obligation or interest to have a military presence--
warzones where France has promised to send troops,
peacekeeping in its own territories--
without hesitation, as their deaths have little significance for the nation.
the Legion grants those who serve for at least 3 years
French citizenship if desired,
and is also allowed to change their name--
a kind of new beginning.
therefore the Legion attracts those
who want to leave their pasts behind
and have a new start,
in addition to those who want the adventure
or just want a decently paying job.
I've heard of it while learning modern history,
but I didn't know specifically what it was.
it's like one of those organizations that you only read about in stories,
where people can escape reality and find adventure.
I can only assume that the reality of being in the Foreign Legion
would be less romantic as it sounds.